Victoria’s Cory Steiner Band is at it again. They have just released a new single and music video titled “Something’s Got To Give”, with lyrics comprised mostly of Donald Trump quotes. On the subject of this latest offering, Cory said, “I read an article that had over 100 outrageous quotes from Donald Trump, and thought — you just can’t make this shit up. I immediately had the chorus written and decided to use Trump’s own words for the verses and bridge of the song.”
The music video is available now on the bands website at, on Youtube at, and on the band Facebook page at And if your wondering about baby Trump in the video, well… draw your own conclusions!
“Something’s Got To Give” – Music and lyrics by Cory Steiner. Produced, engineered, and mixed by Cory Steiner and Stéphane Côté.
Cory Steiner Band is: Cory Steiner (lead vocals, guitar, keyboards), Kathleen Zaalberg (vocals), Stéphane Côté (lead guitar, vocals), Al Udell (bass, vocals), and Craig Stewart (drums)